16 October 2013

Nari butter cookies, by Aurelia

This is the story told by my daughter Aurelia
Once upon a time, there were three children: Aurelia, Gabriel and Juanan. They were so bored! So their mama decided to make some delicious cookies. they couldn't play outside. Why not? -I asked her- there was a big typhoon called Nari, said Aurelia, and lots and lots of rain!

Recipe of the cookbook "heart of the artichoke and other kitchen journeys", David Tanis
  • 1/2 pound good unsalted butter. softened
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or essence)
  • 2 cups plain flour
  1. In a large mixing bowl, cream the butter with sugar, using an electric mixer.
  2. Add the egg yolks, salt and vanilla extract and beat well to incorporate air.
  3. Add the flour and mix until it forms a soft dough.
  4. Divide the doughin half and shape into 2 logs (I use the tube of the kitchen paper!). Wrap them with plastic wrap and chill until firm, one hour or so.
  5. Preheat the oven 180C. Slice the dough into round disks and transfer to parchment-lined baking sheets, spacing the cookies 2 cm apart. Bake for 12min or until golden.
  6. Wait to eat them until they are cool!
My personal TIPS...:
  1. French butter is expensive but it has a higher fat content and a lower moisture content.
  2. Softened butter means to leave it outside the fridge for 20 min. it is similar to the kids play dough.
  3. When you bake, always use eggs at room temperature. They will react better with the butter.
  4. Salt, just a pinch, enhances the flavour of ANY dessert!
  5. Don't use imitation of vanilla. it is worth the expense of the real one.
  6. This is an easy recipe to get your child involved. My daughter loves when I open her hand with the fingers apart and I place the egg on top: she catches the yolk while the white part runs through her fingers
Buen provecho!


  1. Yo uso siempre el huevo entero cuando hago galletas. Alguna razón para usar sólo las yemas?

    1. Cuando hago masa de espinaca para pasta, anado solo yema, porque la masa sino estaria demasiado humeda

  2. hola! la clara del huevo produce mas liquido en la masa y por tanto la galleta es mas soft. pero si te gusta que este crujiente, solo anade la yema.cuanto mas stif the dough sea, mas crispy es la galleta....:)

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  3. Very clever wife. Very clever. - Nick


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